Saturday, April 20, 2013


On Thursday we talked about the idea of social sciences and other disciplines joining together to make a more well rounded unit. I agree with most of the class that it's a good idea for it to happen. People get very much involved within there discipline, forgetting about others around them. I feel that everything in this world is connected in one way or another and when we choose to ignore something then we just hinder ourselves in the end. It's like when an artist creates art on there own for 30 years. They might never create that once piece that could make them famous. But when they involve someone else, say a musician, and then that piece gets the recognized and gets famous. the artist would have never produced that piece without the musician. On the other hand I do see why this could have its down side. If you begin to stretch yourself too thin then you wont have the depth into any field. If you attempted to release anything no one would take you seriously because you don't have the time invested into it. Also sometimes the more you invest into something, the more you understand it and can problem solve a lot easier.

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