Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Word of Welcome

Welcome to History of Authority: Science, Medicine, and the "Deviant" Body and our course blog!

The blog will be used for three primary purposes: 1) commentary and critical analysis of the course materials; 2) discussion as an online extension of the classroom space; and 3) as a place for the creation of a class Deviant Body Artifact Archive.  As opposed to writing response papers you will instead contribute weekly critical and interactive posts to the course blog.  Refer to the syllabus (page 12) for a detailed explanation of how to access the blog and my expectations for your posts.  The blog portion of your grade (20%) will be based on your weekly critical posts.  Discussion on the blog will be factored into the preparation and participation portion of your grade (10%), and your artifact analysis will be counted as part of your presentation grade (20%).

Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have questions or concerns regarding the blog.

I look forward to our journey together this semester.
