Sunday, May 5, 2013

Don't eat that donut or you'll get FAT!!!

In this week's post, I wanted to give my "two cents" on the whole idea of the "fat tax" that most airlines want to use. I think that is extremely discriminatory and plain stupid. The idea of taxing a heavy person for flying is very sad to me because the airline companies just keep wanting to make a buck and they will find anyway to make said buck!! I can't believe that the airlines will go this low to make a quick buck. This is horrible and the person who came up with this idea should be fired on the spot.

I mean so what if a person is a bit too overweight or maybe a bit "hefty," they should still be treated like me and you. I don't care if a person is fat, they are still a person to me no matter what!! Fat is both cultural-based and genetics-based. We mentioned in class that people would rather spend $5 at McD's for dinner than go out to the store and buy groceries for a week's worth. In this day and age, people are too fast-paced to go out grocery shopping for healthier options. I mean my mom and I made it a weekly trip to go to TOPS to buy food for our family. We planned out what we wanted to have a week ahead of time so we could watch for coupons in the paper. Today people are so worried about everything else that they don't want to go home and make a meal; all they care about if this fast-pace world we live in.

We should not judge people just because they are hefty. I mean heavy people know they have a weight problem and many are fixing it. We should NOT ASSUME that just because someone is a bit heavy that he/she don't exercise or you know the old saying.

In the end, don't judge someone for being hefty. We need to stop labeling!!

~Chad S.

1 comment:

  1. I fully agree! I had mentioned in class that some people honestly can't help their weight. Not only due to genetics, but also because, in our society, eating healthy is expensive and takes time. Fresh fruits and vegetables cost a lot more than a burger from the dollar menu. Along with that, as you mentioned, some people are too busy to prepare a home-cooked meal every night. This is sad but true, and certain people should not be punished for being over a certain weight. How can the airlines even say what is a healthy weight and what isn't? It's just another way that an institution is trying to exert power and authority over our bodies in an effort to make money. I would never fly with a company who does that because I see it as a form of discrimination and it's just horrible.
