Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gradual Progress Toward Gender Equality

I'd like to focus my post on the discussion we had in class on Thursday.  Although the material we talked about was not concrete perhaps there is more than meets the eye when it comes to facts and figures.  I had originally thought that because men could not menstruate, nor will we ever the article had little legitimacy.  In fact, I wrote it off in my mind as something completely ludicrous and why should we be debating such a thing that will never come to fruition.  That being said, upon further thought I realized that the idea behind the concept surrounded how men would treat menstruation. Glorification of something that is considered taboo in today's society emphasize how men are still dominant over women in today's society.  Whether it is politics or the work place the glass ceiling has prevented many women from reaching the occupations or positions they so desire.  I just find it awfully ironic and disturbing that the real drivers behind society are paid less or cannot achieve the heights they want to simply because of gender. Is it fair? no. Is it a true force? yes.  Thus, I don't believe that women will gain complete equality over night, but I feel like it is a work in progress, and a gradual movement to gender equality more than anything else.

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