Saturday, April 6, 2013

Welfare vs. WelFAIR

Before I start this post for this week, I just want to give some background knowledge on how this post will work. Every couple of days, I write on my facebook group (Chadinski's Grind My Gears) about stuff that annoys me. Well this post will follow the same format.

This so-called "system" is very corrupt and undisciplined to an extent. People apply for welfare when they really don't need it. The people that truly rely on the welfare system to buy groceries do not get food stamps or money because some jerks are "milking" the system too much. I mean why the hell should a guy who makes $50,000/year try to get welfare. An average teacher makes that kind of money about 10 years into the educational field. That guy should get his head re-examined in my mind!

I mean don't get me wrong the welfare system is very helpful. It  "alleviate the burden of poverty of families with children and allow widowed mothers to maintain their households" according to the Aid to Dependent Child Act of 1930. However this is not how the welfare system is currently working. People apply for welfare and get it, even though a struggling mother of 2 needs it more than "that guy." According to, there are many criteria requirements that one has to meet to gain welfare in this great country. "Eligibility is determined using: 1) gross and net income, 2) size of the family, and any crisis situation such as 3) medical emergencies, pregnancy, homelessness or unemployment. A case worker is then assigned to those applying for aid. They will gather all the necessary information to determine the amount and type of benefits that an individual is eligible for."

Apparently 8% of the US' population is on welfare, or about 29,900,000 people. The US government spends roughly $131.9 billion on welfare (excluding food stamps or unemployment benefits). **That is roughly 10% of the total governments annual spending bill.** If you make less than $1,000/month, then you can qualify for welfare. The Senate Budget Committee revealed in this past August 2012 that the number of people on welfare is at the highest level this country has seen thus-far!! 1/3 people receive government assistance, aka WELFARE!! Lastly, NY State is the 5 highest welfare providing state in the nation. The worst is Wyoming at a 28% increase in 1 year (from 07-08). The best change is Rhode Island at a 13% drop in the welfare system.

For more statistics please go to:

1 comment:

  1. I agree chad, I believe that the welfare system is an extremely valuable asset to American society. However it really is true that the welfare system gets abused every day. The fact remains that the amount of people that exploit the system is relatively minuscule in comparison to the amount of people that use it for its true purpose. The puzzle facing America is how to go about fixing the system. It will be interesting to see the approach they take down the road. I'm all for reforming the system, but we as a country have to make sure we don't set up another faulty system.
