Friday, April 5, 2013

Fitting In

Going off the discussion we were having on Thursday, I'd like to shed light on the fact that it is society that is scrutinizing the poor, certain races, and certain genders but they then expect them to live up to these expectations of a "normal society". It's like society is cutting off there legs right from underneath them. If you hear your whole life that you are not supposed to amount to anything, then you wont know how to aspire to do anything else but that. Bringing eugenics into it, the government was actually paying people to not have babies because they did not want that type of person to amount to anything anymore. Then and now people of this world have been trying to force every single person into a certain category. If you don't fit then something must be wrong with you. In my opinion it is those people who need to open there eyes and realize the beauty of diversity. Also several people look down upon someone with Autism or Down Syndrome because they can't do what "normal" people of society can do. In my opinion though, people who have those cases have some of the most beautiful minds and spirits. Perhaps society should learn from them instead of making this world all about the numbers instead of the people.


  1. I do agree with your point Erica. Especially with the handicapped statement. My aunt is 50 years old and has Down Syndrome, and she is one of the smartest people that I have ever known. Because she was born with Down Syndrome, she is automatically taken as dumb. I feel like society and the government take down these people, even though they are normal. I think it is pathetic that the government would try to bring down these people because they supposedly don't have the perfect eugenics.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. We spend so much time and effort questioning why people are poor and why they have such a hard time conforming to the normal standard we hold in our society, but the reason they struggle to be of equal status as the "normal" and successful people in society is because we engage in this self fulfilling prophecy; and don't take action to fix it. It's not like it is true that people are more inferior or ill fitted than others, it is just because of categories we created and the stereotypes that have been formed, that they have such a hard time achieving the normal status in our society. It's amazing how these ignorant views have been sustained and are still existent today even though our world has transformed and advanced so much.

  3. I completely agree! When it comes to eugenics and it's attempt to rule out the least fit and those seen as "not normal" thats not what it should be about. I do agree that those who are not necessarily ready support a family should not be having children but I don't think it relates directly to race or type, anyone can be in the situation. This idea should me more focused on educating the population as a whole about the problems that may be faced when having children when not financially stable opposed to ruling out of certain groups that are seen as unfit or are not wanted.
