I think what is often overlooked when debating social issues in our society, are the racial and ethnic issues that our country has battled for centuries and how they came to be. It is evident that race is a social construct and something we have attached significance since the first encounter with Africans. With this notion that darker skinned humans are "uncivilized and barbaric" therefore determining that they are inferior; this doesn't actually mean that they are inferior or somehow biologically structured to be less than those of lighter skin. White people often blame the victim and do not think outside of the box when addressing problems within our society. It is not intentional, it is just the way we have been conditioned, to not see white privilege. So when you say that people on welfare, struggling to survive, have options, you are inferring that they have the same opportunities available to them, that you do; which is false. Most of these people grew up in poor neighborhoods with little access to quality education and lower class jobs, so not only do they have an innate disadvantage and no knowledge of how to get themselves out of their situation, but if they are a minority they have an even less chance to achieve a higher SES, because of the racial and ethnic categorization that exists in our society.Yes, some people do abuse the system and use their checks to purchase electronics and other luxury items, but this does not mean that the welfare system has no beneficial purpose. Our society is unfair and equal opportunity is not true for everyone, so before you criticize someones situation based on few encounters that you have had, it is important to analyze why they may be in the position they are in and what is preventing them from changing that. It is not as though they want to be receiving welfare checks, maybe it is that they don't have the knowledge or resources to make a better living for themselves.
In regards to eugenics, the whole reason for this selective breeding process was to perfect and improve races, suggesting that inferiority among race, and people in general, (a concept that was created and molded by humans, specifically white humans) is real. So to say that it was for the benefit of others and society, is just confirming racial purity and the fact that there is such thing as a 'fitter' race. Preferred personality and physical traits for selective breeding is, as a whole, simply ridiculous and conducted by ignorance. It also cannot be justified with the fact that the process of selective breeding and contraceptives like birth control and sterilization in Singapore, will better our society and make social problems and poverty dissipate.
I really like the points that you bring out in your post. Especially the fact that everyone is not given equal opportunities. I think that people in a position of privilege tend to forget that access to education and a job are the norm for them but this is not the same for everybody. If we are going to judge everyone on the same level then they should also all be given the same opportunities in life. As we know, this is not true so it is going to be difficult to judge the way another person lives fairly.