Saturday, February 9, 2013

Comments to Chris Murray's post: "Freak or Beauty"

A freak is defined as one that is markedly unusual or abnormal or a person that has a physical oddity. This is a very interesting example that people may interpret differently. If one views these photos in today's world and relates it to the culture that these photos may stemming from, perhaps they wouldn't see this as "freakish" but those that have not been exposed to these types of changes that people make to themselves, perhaps it is considered freakish in another culture since they would never think about doing something like that to themselves. Branching off of that last idea, they've ever seen anything anything like that before, and this was an important point of the texts that we read. It is important to remember where we come from as an individual because we are always being judged by each other and this is no different than a person that is uncomfortable with how one looks. I agree with your post Chris in saying that this is beauty. If you look at a portrait of someone who may not look "normal" to the viewer can be amazed at the importance of that "abnormality" that is presented. I believe that society cannot remove judgments of others. However, if we are more educated on these "abnormalities" they become the "norm".

Darren Pope

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