Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis and other pains which we must all face.

Based on the short reading of Andrea Avery's Rip Tide I have come to a conclusion that we as a society must face. This conclusion is that try as we may, none of us are immune to the ravages of life even when we are at our peak of wellness and youthfulness. For Andrea she had to spend most of her early life as if she were in the same physical condition as an elderly women. I can't even imagine the negative body image she had of herself before she rose above her condition and decided to live a normal life no matter what the situation. I have learned from her experience that at any moment I to could face the challenges that any type of Arthritis can bring. I know I have past injuries which will put continuous pain on my joint in my future. I have learned from her story that even though I am only 22 years old I will not live forever in my current physical condition. It is surprising to think about this possible future I have. I have gained more respect for my elders and their troubles. Most of all I respect anyone who has had any type of Arthritis take them over before most people would normally develop it. It makes we wonder as well about all the things I enjoy now might be taken away from me if I develop an early development of arthritis. What are somethings you could not do if you developed early arthritis. Do you think you could still function the way you do now or do imagine that your lifestyle would have to change?  I guess next time I will think twice before I complain about strained muscles when I now that their are people out their the same age as me who have no choice but to live for joint and muscle pain everyday of their lives. To further enhance my understanding about this subject I found a good video on the matter. I have provided the link below:

-William Webster

1 comment:

  1. I think the scariest part is looking at your parents and grandparents medical histories and even their current ailments. In all likelihood you too will face some of those ailments, if you live to that age. I know I'm at risk for certain diseases and conditions based on my families medical history. Accordingly I try to eat and live as healthily as possible. Knowing you will be disabled someday, sooner or later, can help to put perspective on life and allow you to appreciate it for how beautiful and fleeting it is.
