I hate the gynecologist. Any woman would hate the gynecologist But let's also keep in mind, that us women should be lucky to deal with the modern day gynecologist. Back in the day, in the old Chinese culture, there were practices in removing the clitoris (a source of female sexual pleasure), just so women could not have pleasure during intercourse. And there is removal of the labia at times as well. Some people even do these practices today. With these people still doing practices today, do you think that Vaginal mutilation would be ethical now? What do you think would happen if a doctor in the U.S. would be caught doing this?
-Courtney O'Donnell
I think that if these practices were to be performed in the United States this procedure would never be accepted. It would be clear that any medical doctor to ever perform this would suffer serious consequences, and most likely lose their jobs and be stripped of their license. To think about this, really should make women appreciate the gynecologist and the medical technology that we have today, even though its a task that is dreaded.