Saturday, March 2, 2013

Response to Chris M's post


I don't see how sleep can control a person really. I mean everyone sleeps no matter what. Even if someone was being held captive, the captive-holder will allow the person to sleep, or that is just morally wrong. An example of this is in Ironman 1, Tony Starks was held captive in the mountains of the Afghanistan, he is forced to build a suit; yet he is allowed to sleep. The terrorists have the respect to allow him to sleep because, if not then he would NOT have been able to build the sleep fully without focusing and coherence- which he was better at since he was able to sleep!!

I really don't see how sleep deprivation is a torture device. I mean being awake all the time is not a bad thing- many people do it all the time. The worst thing that can happen when you fall asleep is killing someone, if you are driving- but that doesn't happen all that often.

~Chad S.

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