Friday, May 3, 2013

When is Too Much?

For the class on body modification we talked primarily about tattoos and how people expressed themselves freely through the permanent images they placed on their body. The artifact that was presented was interesting because the woman who had all of those tattoos was trying to cover up her condition. But a question that is important in bringing up is, “when is it too much?” Certainly individuals have their own preferences and some can tolerate tattoos more than others. This question could also branch into two smaller questions, “When is too much to get” pertaining to having tattoos added and, “when is too much to look at?” The class talked about how some people get too many tattoos and can take away from the message trying to be portrayed by the body images. I think that many people overreact to tattoos but in some instances can be right in overreacting. It’s all about the context and how tattoos are portrayed by whomever is looking at them.

Darren Pope

1 comment:

  1. Are you asking about social norms? What I mean is are you looking at what the general public would think the norm is?

    I would assume there is no legal limit on the amount of tattoos you can get. Same things goes for piercings and cosmetic surgery.

    But I would suppose that your post basically depends on the individual and his or her specific preferences. It also varies because there is no singular perception of the tattoo. Some might think it is art and others might think it is waste of money and something to regret. These views vary and I think it is something to take into account when asking this question of "too much."
