Sunday, May 5, 2013

Don't eat that donut or you'll get FAT!!!

In this week's post, I wanted to give my "two cents" on the whole idea of the "fat tax" that most airlines want to use. I think that is extremely discriminatory and plain stupid. The idea of taxing a heavy person for flying is very sad to me because the airline companies just keep wanting to make a buck and they will find anyway to make said buck!! I can't believe that the airlines will go this low to make a quick buck. This is horrible and the person who came up with this idea should be fired on the spot.

I mean so what if a person is a bit too overweight or maybe a bit "hefty," they should still be treated like me and you. I don't care if a person is fat, they are still a person to me no matter what!! Fat is both cultural-based and genetics-based. We mentioned in class that people would rather spend $5 at McD's for dinner than go out to the store and buy groceries for a week's worth. In this day and age, people are too fast-paced to go out grocery shopping for healthier options. I mean my mom and I made it a weekly trip to go to TOPS to buy food for our family. We planned out what we wanted to have a week ahead of time so we could watch for coupons in the paper. Today people are so worried about everything else that they don't want to go home and make a meal; all they care about if this fast-pace world we live in.

We should not judge people just because they are hefty. I mean heavy people know they have a weight problem and many are fixing it. We should NOT ASSUME that just because someone is a bit heavy that he/she don't exercise or you know the old saying.

In the end, don't judge someone for being hefty. We need to stop labeling!!

~Chad S.

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