Saturday, April 13, 2013

Response to Erica's Post

In response to Erica’s post, I thought the video was a very good example that depicted a real life scenario of this individual’s experiences. Josh was just minding his own business and to have a stranger come and insult him on the street is rude and offensive, no matter what the person looks like-disabled or not. I agree that some people may not agree with a war and therefore disrespect those in the military. I find it very disturbing that people would assume things about someone they don’t even know and verbally insult them by saying they deserved to be disabled.
I remember watching a documentary on the History Channel about the Vietnam War. People were so opposed to the war that military men returning home were disrespected and spit on.  Vets returning home would sometimes be met in airports by protesters and I just find these actions by society horrible. Men and women are willing to sacrifice their lives for our country and for them to come home to negative treatment is just wrong.  
I think despite different beliefs, it does not make it to right to disregard someone’s actions, such as being in a war. Even if someone is not a supporter of a war, it doesn’t give anybody the right to automatically assume that an individual without an arm or leg deserved it. Especially in Josh’s case where he lost his leg to cancer not even war.

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